Church Staff


Pastor Hugh Morrison

Hugh is the Lead Pastor at Margaree Valley Baptist Church. He returned back home and began his ministry here in 2001 with his wife, Tracey, and family (Carey, Abigail, Timothy, Emma, and Hannah). Hugh’s desire is that the Lord would move in power through the Holy Spirit, revive the church, save the lost, and raise up local churches in every community across Cape Breton Island.


Youth pastor scott macphail

Scott joined staff as Youth Pastor in September 2013. Scott and his wife Melissa have four children; Kaylin, Marley, Isla and Levi.  Scott’s passion is in discipling; his desire is to see young people raised up to follow Jesus passionately and whole-heartedly by the power of the Holy Spirit.


Church Leaders



Our church leadership consists of Elders, Jimmy Carmichael, Matthew Morrison, Hugh Morrison, Luke Ross, and Scott MacPhail. Our Deacons are Rick Paul and Charles Ross.